Book Signing with Esther Louis

On Thursday, June 1st at 6pm Black Food Bookstore and Culture Shop will be hosting a Book Signing with up and coming author Esther Louis. We had the opportunity to chat with her recently. You can find our interview below.
In five words or less, tell us what your book is about.
It is about facing truth.
How did you get started writing?
I started writing when I was in Junior High. I had a really excellent English teacher who introduced me to a writing exercise called free writing. It was through this exercise I realized I could write how I feel because I had a hard time expressing myself verbally back then.
What motivates you to write?
Knowing what I have in me, can be released. All the pent up emotions; anger, feelings, can be out and free. Also knowing someone else may feel the same way and because of my writings will have the courage to overcome some uncomfortable feelings as well. It's a big mental relief more than anything.
What advice would you give to up and coming authors?
Keep writing; write those uncomfortable truths, write those things that you are passionate about. Your words matter and nothing can stop you.
What can we expect at your book signing on June 1st?
Expect to be moved and emotionally hugged by words of healing. Also expect light refreshments and some live spoken word from my book along with music, then a Question and Answer period. My book will also be on sale for $20 and of course I will gladly sign it for you at the end.
What's next for you?
I am currently working on a children's story book and another adult themed poetry book. For now, I'm simply writing whenever I get the chance, always trying to write truth.
We look forward to you coming by on June 1st to meet Esther and enjoying a night of spoken word and live music.